Thursday, February 09, 2006

final trimester

Brought Trinity to the vet (finally) to get an ultrasound scan of her belly. The vet said that the ultrasound scan does not give an accurate viewing of the number of puppies growing inside but merely provides an approximation. I could never make out the images on an ultrasound but after looking v.hard for sometime, we manage to catch the image of at least 3 moving foetuses. *Whee...*

She's due to deliver in abt 2 weeks. OMG! So so soon. I worry:
1. that she goes into labour while I'm at work and not able to help her or determine if she's in danger.
2. cos the vet had cautioned that at least one puppy may not make it thru - it's the law of nature as the last pup would normally not be able to receive all the nutrition from its mother and hence, would have trouble surviving. *boohoo*
3. that that weak pup will be consumed by Trin. *yikes* Apparently, a natural maternal animal instinct as the mother senses that her pup will not survive. *eesh*

Oh dear...dear...

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