Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I had recently purchased this book Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I read somwhere that it was good and it was a vampire story. For some reason, I'm drawn to vampire stories. I used to love reading Anne Rice's vampire stories, esp. the first few books, until it got too dark for my liking. And I loved several vampire movies - Interview with the Vampire, Bram Stoker's Dracula, and at one time, I was even hooked on the TV series, Angel, until the story twisted to a weird silly way at the end of the series. There's something about stories on vampires - the pale yet stunning appearances, the dark brooding mood, the immortality nature (although there's nothing natural about that). And in most stories, there's always a good vampire trying to 'break away' from the curse. My heart seems to go out to that good vampire.

I'd been looking for Twilight for quite sometime now. I saw the hard cover version middle of last year and contemplated buying but did not, because the cover of every copy that I've seen in several bookstores (and I did search for it in several stores) was damaged. The cover is a black glossy one. Hence, it's easily prone to fingerprints and scratches. So at that time, as I didn't know that I'd fall in love with the book, I decided not to pay so much for a damaged book and wait for the paperback version. Finally last week, I saw the paperback version, immediately bought and started on the book. It captivated me. Page after page. I could not stop. It had been awhile since a book had such effect on me. I could hardly put the book down. And when I finally reached the end, I nearly screamed. The author had been cruel enuf to print one chapter of the sequel in there, keeping me in heightened suspense. *Aaarrghhh* I had to get the sequel!!

So yesterday I went out to buy the sequel and guess what??!! It's only available in hard cover! *Shite* But alas, I could not hold on to the suspense any longer. I had to continue the story. So I quickly purchased it along with several other books. Got home and almost immediately started on New Moon. If it wasn't for the fact that I had to send my godsis to the airport yesterday, I definitely would not have put down the book. On my drive home from the airport, I could actually feel the anxiousness in wanting to continue the book. I feel like I'd been possessed by the book. Got home at 2am but could not sleep without opening the book. After covering several chapters, at 4am, I decided I should resist the temptation to continue and finally laid the book down and went to sleep.

As soon as I was awake (I kid you not), I'd hit at the book again, even if it's just for one chapter. Decided that I couldn't be cruel to my doggies as it was meal time for them. So I quickly fed them and rush through my morning routine chores, and went straight back to finish the book. I finished it - and it took me less than 10 hours in total!! Wow. I was impressed myself. That was a record for me - I hadn't felt such a fervor for a vampire story this much for as long as I can remember.

Twilight is a vampire story....but more than that, it's a love story. Mike was right - I'm such a hopeless romantic. It's something about dark forbidden romance stories that keeps me mesmerised and dazed. Maybe it's a fantasy that I know will never happen in reality. As such, these stories bring me to a place where I feel intoxicated with the intensity of emotions of the characters. Something I know I'll never experience in real life and as such, the reality of love stories never quite appealed to me - in fact, somewhat left me jaded and cynical about true life romances (speaking from experience as well). New Moon was just as gripping, except the middle part, where the love pair had to part - I felt that the parting went on much longer than was necessary and I was anxious to get to the part where they'd cross paths again. Once again, the romantic in me. I was kinda sad when I finished New Moon cos now I can no longer get wrapped up in the story. :(

But I just checked the author's website, and it seems that she has 3 more sequels to the series!! *Yippee* Only that I'd have to wait and wait and wait for what would seem like an eternity for each book to be published. Just as how the world is awaiting the last book of the Harry Potter series. *Hmph* Now this waiting part I don't like at all. Nonetheless, I'm eager for the release of Eclipse - the third book of the Twilight series. It'll be out this fall. Evidently, I'd have to get the hard cover version again. *Sigh* Perhaps I should also get another copy of Twilight in hard cover, just to complete my collection of the series in an orderly fashion. Hmm...

So if you're a hopeless romantic like me, you have got to read Twilight! Here's a sneak peek into Twilight to tantalise your 'thirst'!! *wink*

"Softly he brushed my cheek, then held my face between his marble hands. 'Be very still,' he whispered, as if I wasn't already frozen. Slowly, never moving his eyes from mine, he leaned toward me. Then abruptly, but very gently, he rested his cold cheek against the hollow at the base of my throat."

Friday, January 12, 2007

teddies and pooches for Valentine's

My creations for Valentine's... *beam*

Check out www.petalsnmore.com.my

After Sunset at Jetty

Join in the fun! :D