Wednesday, April 26, 2006
did you comment lately?
OMG! I've been so blur. Apparently, there had been comments on my posts which had been sitting in my 'comment box' for the longest time awaiting my approval, which I didn't realise of. See, in my last blog, there was no need to approve any comments, they'd just appear whenever someone commented. So I didn't realise that for blogger, I have to first approve the comments before they appear on my blog. Duh! Hehe. Apologies to those who've commented so far - I've only just read them. *blush* I gez there should be a way that I can disable the approval process so that the comments just appear on the blog. Hmm....I shall do that! Man, this is embarassing. *blush summore*
are you a pet lover?
You can tell between a pet lover and a non pet lover. I was chatting to a long time friend just the other day. This friend of mine has 2 boys (human :p) and happens to be a pet lover but due to sensitive noses and space constraint is unable to own a pet of her own anymore. So she was describing to me how cute and adorable yet naughty and mischevious her 2 sons are and it reminded me so much of my own Tristan, albeit him being a dog. But it's uncanny how similar dogs' behaviour is to human children's. And my friend agreed and recalled a time when we had made the same comparisons of our 'children' in front of a bigger group of friends some time ago, and one of our friends had chided me for comparing her human child to a dog, telling me that I should not be remarking that a human child is like a dog! That was insane! I was appalled at such comments.
The truth of the matter is that my dog is my 'child' and (thankfully) my friend and I definitely do not find anything wrong in making such comparison. It wasn't as if I was insulting my friend by saying that her child is akin to a dog. The fact is that my dogs are v.much the loves of my life and most important to me. So my comments were genuine and I was not trying to insult my friend's child. In fact, I was insulted by that other friend's naive and to my mind, careless remark. I of cos forgive her 'naiveness'. Evidently, this other friend is not a pet lover.
If you're a pet lover, your perspective of pets is entirely different. In today's mobile environment, humans increasingly lose that personal touch with other humans as they rely on technology as the key mode of contact. As that happens, some replace human companionship with pets, showering more attention and love to their pets. Pets are great companions and in fact, much more than that. They make your life more fulfilling and no matter what happens, they would always be there for you. And the best part of all, is that they'd never fight back with you. Hehe. It is also interesting to note from a recent research that pets have shown positive impact on human's mental health and that people with pets tend to have higher self esteem compared with their counterparts who do not own any pets. I totally agree with the results.
The love and devotion that pets, particularly dogs, reciprocate to you is priceless. That is not to say that I do not need any human contact. I do need my friends and family and enjoy being around humans whenever possible. But my furry beloveds fill a void that humans can possibly never ever fulfill. They simply enhance my existence in the world. As dramatic as it sounds. Haha. I would not know what I'd do without my precious babies. :-)
The truth of the matter is that my dog is my 'child' and (thankfully) my friend and I definitely do not find anything wrong in making such comparison. It wasn't as if I was insulting my friend by saying that her child is akin to a dog. The fact is that my dogs are v.much the loves of my life and most important to me. So my comments were genuine and I was not trying to insult my friend's child. In fact, I was insulted by that other friend's naive and to my mind, careless remark. I of cos forgive her 'naiveness'. Evidently, this other friend is not a pet lover.
If you're a pet lover, your perspective of pets is entirely different. In today's mobile environment, humans increasingly lose that personal touch with other humans as they rely on technology as the key mode of contact. As that happens, some replace human companionship with pets, showering more attention and love to their pets. Pets are great companions and in fact, much more than that. They make your life more fulfilling and no matter what happens, they would always be there for you. And the best part of all, is that they'd never fight back with you. Hehe. It is also interesting to note from a recent research that pets have shown positive impact on human's mental health and that people with pets tend to have higher self esteem compared with their counterparts who do not own any pets. I totally agree with the results.
The love and devotion that pets, particularly dogs, reciprocate to you is priceless. That is not to say that I do not need any human contact. I do need my friends and family and enjoy being around humans whenever possible. But my furry beloveds fill a void that humans can possibly never ever fulfill. They simply enhance my existence in the world. As dramatic as it sounds. Haha. I would not know what I'd do without my precious babies. :-)
Sunday, April 23, 2006
then there were three
It was heart wrenching. As impartial as I tried to be, it was still v.sad to see them leave. Truffles and Tubby have left for their new homes. I hope their new owners will take great care of them. I was comforted by the fact that the new owners are both dog owners. So hopefully they have gone to good homes. Truffles went to a Chinese home and has a male silky for a companion, whereas Tubby went to an Indian home as a present to the buyer's son. *Sob*Sob*
And so there are 3 left - Toffee, Trigger and Tinkles. I don't think they nor the parents realise where the other two T's have gone. Which is a good thing in a way. They're all doing really well. Playful, healthy and gorgeous. Trigger is now the largest fattest baby - clumsy most of the time as he sits and bump around sloppily, but he's so v.cute and simply adorable. Just this morning, he ate his food off his bowl while lying down. Such a lazy bum! Hehe. Like this...

As much as I love each and everyone of them and try not to favour anyone, I must admit that Trigger is my favourite. Ironically, even the single princess did not win the top spot in my heart. But she did come in 2nd. *beam*
I miss Truffles and Tubby. But it was unavoidable. I certainly cannot keep them. I have to be practical and not so sentimental and emotional. Sigh... I still need to find good homes for the remaining three. *Fingers crossed*
And so there are 3 left - Toffee, Trigger and Tinkles. I don't think they nor the parents realise where the other two T's have gone. Which is a good thing in a way. They're all doing really well. Playful, healthy and gorgeous. Trigger is now the largest fattest baby - clumsy most of the time as he sits and bump around sloppily, but he's so v.cute and simply adorable. Just this morning, he ate his food off his bowl while lying down. Such a lazy bum! Hehe. Like this...

As much as I love each and everyone of them and try not to favour anyone, I must admit that Trigger is my favourite. Ironically, even the single princess did not win the top spot in my heart. But she did come in 2nd. *beam*
I miss Truffles and Tubby. But it was unavoidable. I certainly cannot keep them. I have to be practical and not so sentimental and emotional. Sigh... I still need to find good homes for the remaining three. *Fingers crossed*
Saturday, April 01, 2006
paw fight club
OMG! It was a horrible big tragedy!
6.30pm yesterday: It was feeding time. I'd just put down food for the pups and they were feeding on their milk and kibbles. Then I put down both Trinity's and Tristan's food bowls for them. As soon as I gave them the command to eat, Tristan went over to Trinity and picked a fight with her cos he wanted to have some of her food. It was the most ferocious of fights I've seen from them. Then I quickly tore Tristan away and as soon as I did, I looked at Trinity in horror. There was something wrong with her right eye - it was popping out! *shocking* It's like a scene from the cartoons where the eye pops out of the socket - I kid you not. It was awful. What a freak accident! This was how it looked - warning: it is not a pretty sight!

During the fight, Tristan must have somehow paw-ed out her eye. I panicked and felt so scared for Trin. Somehow she didn't seem to feel any pain as she was not crying out at all - apparently she was in shock. I quickly got her to the vet. The doc sedated her and put her on a saline drip. Then he used ice packs to try to reduce the swelling of the eye. He had to keep putting eye drops on her eye so that it doesn't dry out. Then he tried to push the eye back into the socket. *ouch* It was such a terrible sight. My poor baby! *sob*
It took a while before he managed to somehow push the eye in a little and close the eyelid. He then stitched the eye closed. The eye has still not completely been pushed into its socket due to the swelling. He would have to try again when the swelling subsides further. So the doc gave some painkillers and a collar for her to wear so that to prevent her from scratching that eye.

My poor poor baby. After all she's been thru from pupbirth, being weak from nursing, and now this! When we got home, Tristan didn't even realised what had happened. Although when he sniffed Trin, he somehow had a guilty look on his face. I wonder if he realised what he'd done. But how can I stay mad at him. bad bad boy.
I hope Trin's eye is gonna be ok and that her vision has not been impaired. *pray*pray* We have to return to the vet later to find out. What a nitemare!
6.30pm yesterday: It was feeding time. I'd just put down food for the pups and they were feeding on their milk and kibbles. Then I put down both Trinity's and Tristan's food bowls for them. As soon as I gave them the command to eat, Tristan went over to Trinity and picked a fight with her cos he wanted to have some of her food. It was the most ferocious of fights I've seen from them. Then I quickly tore Tristan away and as soon as I did, I looked at Trinity in horror. There was something wrong with her right eye - it was popping out! *shocking* It's like a scene from the cartoons where the eye pops out of the socket - I kid you not. It was awful. What a freak accident! This was how it looked - warning: it is not a pretty sight!

During the fight, Tristan must have somehow paw-ed out her eye. I panicked and felt so scared for Trin. Somehow she didn't seem to feel any pain as she was not crying out at all - apparently she was in shock. I quickly got her to the vet. The doc sedated her and put her on a saline drip. Then he used ice packs to try to reduce the swelling of the eye. He had to keep putting eye drops on her eye so that it doesn't dry out. Then he tried to push the eye back into the socket. *ouch* It was such a terrible sight. My poor baby! *sob*
It took a while before he managed to somehow push the eye in a little and close the eyelid. He then stitched the eye closed. The eye has still not completely been pushed into its socket due to the swelling. He would have to try again when the swelling subsides further. So the doc gave some painkillers and a collar for her to wear so that to prevent her from scratching that eye.

My poor poor baby. After all she's been thru from pupbirth, being weak from nursing, and now this! When we got home, Tristan didn't even realised what had happened. Although when he sniffed Trin, he somehow had a guilty look on his face. I wonder if he realised what he'd done. But how can I stay mad at him. bad bad boy.
I hope Trin's eye is gonna be ok and that her vision has not been impaired. *pray*pray* We have to return to the vet later to find out. What a nitemare!
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